The Precious Sanctuary of the Supreme Path
Welcome to the TNG swiss Bouddhist centre
TNG is a Tibetan Buddhism meditation and study group, established under the spiritual authority of
H.H. Karmapa, Orgyèn Trinley Dorjé.
Presently TNG Association is based in Icogne, a few kilometers from Sion, in Valais.
The Swiss Sangha energy is given by Venerable Lama Sangyay Tendzin,, resident at THEG-CHOG NORBU LING Monastery in the ''Haute-Vallée de l'Aude'', South of France, close to the Pyrénées Orientales. For ten years, Lama Rinpoche guides us with his precious teachings. The activities that we propose are always close related to the Dharma.
We wish you a joyful discovery !

Seen as a religion, a philosophy, a way of life, Buddhism is a profound journey of the mind. Training the mind is the anchor point.
Meditation allows us to realize our interdependence with our entourage, to discover the hidden reality behind our essential nature.
A regular practice will progressively lead us to let go dependence to our conflictual emotions, to open up to a genuine experience of reality.
Taking up such a challenge is a long-term job indeed, but within the reach of each of us !
The fruition of this work leads to enlightenment, or to say it simpler, to the manifestation of our true nature potential. This is the heart of Buddhism.
The Karma Kamtshang lineage is one of the four great lineages of the Tibetan Buddhism Kagyupa School. More precisely, it is the lineage initiated by Karmapa DüSum Khyenpa, one of the heart disciples of Lord Gampopa.
Je Gampopa was a Mahamudra teachings holder, transmitted by the Indian Mahasiddha Tilopa, and of the Kadampa teachings of the Glorious Pandit Atisha.
From the point of view of its origins, the Karma Kamtshang lineage is sometimes called the Dhagpo Kagyüd Lineage, referring to Dhagpo, the place where Lord Gampopa lived. From the point of view of its continuity, it is called The Golden Rosary, referring to the qualities of the successive masters who were entrusted the responsibility of Holders of the Precious Teachings of Buddha Vajradhara (esoteric aspect of Buddha Sakyamuni).
The Lineage is presently entrusted to The 17th Karmapa, His Holiness Orgyèn Trinley Dorjé.

Palden Düsum Khyenpa was one of the four heart disciples of the incomparable Lord Gampopa, himself being the heir of the Mahamudra teachings of the Tibetan Great Yogi Milarepa, as well as Kadampa teachings of the Glorious Atisha.
Düsum Khyenpa reincarnated in a lineage of exceptional spiritual masters known under the name of Karmapa. That is how the Tibetan Buddhist Karma Kamtshang Lineage was born.
In 1992, Orgyen Thrinley Dorjé was recognized as the 17th reincarnation of the Karmapa. His Holiness was enthroned at Tsurphu monastery, principal headquarter of the Karmapa, built by Düsum Khyenpa, in Toglung valley, Central Tibet.
Our website is dedicated to His Holiness the Gyalwang Karmapa and to his Lineage.
Having trained as a « rimé » yogi (non-sectarian) of Tibetan Buddhism, Venerable Gelong Sangyay Tendzin, formerly Lama Norbu Répa, practices and teaches the Karma Kamtshang teachings.
His traditionnal approach of the Buddha Dharma emphasizes on the development of Wisdom and Awareness, Study and Practice of the teachings received from a genuine Master.
Lama Sangyay Tendzin was born in Belgium in 1949.
After spending more than two decades in Himalaya, studying and practicing Tibetan Buddhism with Great Masters of the Karma Kamtshang Lineage, Lama went back to Europe where he founded the TNG Centre in South of France in 1997, where he lives since.
Located in an isolated place of South of France countryside, "Theg-Chog Norbu Ling" is a small monastery where religious activities are the heart of TNG Centre.
Supported by a mixed community of a dozen residents, constituted with monks, nuns et ordained lays practitionners, "Theg-Chog Norbu Ling" is established as a retreat Center. This encourages a daily intense meditation practice.
Regularly, TNG Switzerland practitioners go to the monastery in order to take part to the retreats under the guidance of Venerable Lama Sangyay Tendzin, as well as to contribute to different maintenance activities of the Centre.
On a nearby property, "Theg-Chog Norbu Ling" will soon offer two-days seminars and workshops, as a well-being centre. These programs will approach mind training, mental quiescence, Tai-Chi, TMS Therapy through Movement and Sound, ayurvedic cooking, medicinal herbs discovery, dance classes, etc.

TNG-Dzong-Switzerland was officially created in 2010 by Lama Sangyay Tendzin (aka Lama Norbu Repa) under the supervision of Christophe Baud.
TNG-Dzong-Switzerland was declared as a non-profit association in Finhaut (Valais, Switzerland), and later, to His Holiness The 17th Gyalwang Karmapa Office. His Holiness Karmapa Office is called in Tibetan Tsurphu Labrang.
TNG-Dzong-Switzerland is presently located close to Icogne, a village in the mountains of Sierre district, Valais, Switzerland.
Seminars of practices and retreats are regularly organised.

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